Friday 24 August 2012

Valley of the Giants and Cape Leeuwin

Detours seem to be our thing on this trip.  The plan was to head towards Margaret River via the coast but the Prado had other ideas.  As we pulled out of Denmark the fuel filter warning light lit up.  A quick trip into a Toyota dealer at Manjimup and we were sorted.  

On the way we pulled up to check out the Valley of the Giants treetop walk near Walpole.  The walk gets as high as 40 metres while you stroll amongst the Red Tingle tree's canopy, some of which are over 400 years old.

Its a great point of view.

One of the 60 metre spans.

The kids posing on the way.

When you look up at these massive bits of timber it almost feels like you have to bend backwards to see the top.

Another mini team photo in one of the hollow trunks.

A little further along the track, Pemberton is home to the Gloucester tree.  This is another massive Karri tree, standing 72 metres tall,  that was used as a fire lookout tower.  There are over 150 spikes spiralling their way to lookout platform, which you can climb if you're keen.

We pulled into the Molloy caravan park at Kudardup and set up in the dark.  We were pleasantly surprised with the view that greeted us when we got up the next morning.

The Cape Leeuwin lighthouse stands on the SouthWestern most point of Australia where the Indian Ocean meets the Southern Ocean.   The story about the construction is amazing.  The stone was quarried locally and used to build the light tower and three houses in 10 short months.  Bloody impressive considering where this place is, the weather they would've copped and the fact that EVERYTHING was done by hand in the 1890's.

The view from the top isn't too bad.

This is the spot where the two Oceans meet.

Family shot at the top of the lighthouse.

More to come.....

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