Monday 6 August 2012

Port Lincoln

The southern end of the Eyre Peninsula was the next spot on the map we wanted to check out.  I had always wondered what Port Lincoln would be like after hearing about it as a kid while watching Dean Lukin win Gold in the '84 Olympics.  It is a great spot!  One of the interesting facts we heard while there was that town has the highest number of millionaires per capita in Australia.        

The kids wetting a line.

Bronte has a win, first one to land a fish!

Port Lincoln is home to Australia's largest commercial fishing fleet.

On our tour with Triple Bay Charters.

First stop on our tour was a seal colony in Boston Bay.

Here's looking at you.

Kids are missing school ;-)

One of the Tuna farms.

Each one of these babies are worth around $2000.

On the way back in the guide spotted something odd in the water.  I was hoping to get a look at a Great White shark but when he slowed the boat down and handed me a net I had second thoughts.  As the boat come to a stop I spotted colour in the water and stood ready.  When the shape surfaced I had a swipe and managed to land my first goose!  The little bloke was looking a little worse for wear, but was released at the back of Boston Island and will live to fight another day. 

About $100 of A grade Sashimi.

The kids weren't too keen on the idea of eating raw fish but to their credit they all gave it a go.  The girls thought is was ok but Seth was keen to keep tucking in - he even gave the wasabi a crack!

A bay at the back of Boston Island.

More to come.....

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