Sunday 12 August 2012

Having a whale of a time on the Nullarbor!

A beautiful sunrise was the final farewell from Fowlers Bay as we pointed our rig towards the Nullarbor.

We got a couple of clicks away when I realised the electric brakes on the van were playing up, so we pulled up to do some roadside repairs.

All work was closely supervised :-)

The offending wire.

With everything sorted we were off.

Another "must see" we were told about was the Head of the Bight.  It is another spot to see Southern Right and Humpback whales up close.

The bay was full of calving whales.  The big girls were rolling around no more than fifty metres from the shore.  

To give you an idea of their size if you haven't seen them yet, Bub is six metres long.

Jen and the kids enjoying the show.

One of the passing mothers had a white calf in tow.

This was another spot where we would've been happy to sit an watch the goings on all day, but we had to keep moving.

The coastline down here is beautiful.

Crossing the border.

The Nullarbor turned on a nice sunset.

They weren't kidding!

More to come.....

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