Thursday 13 September 2012

The Coral Coast

The Ningaloo Marine Park starts to the North of Point Quobba where we pulled up for lunch.  The show the waves put on was spectacular.

Can you see the bloke just to the right of the wave??

Western Australia's Coral Coast is an amazing part of the world.  I've been keen to check out this part of the country for some time, this is where Ningaloo Reef meets the coast.  We spent a few days around Coral Bay where we all had a go at snorkelling.  It is surreal stepping from the beach to the reef.  Every afternoon around 3.30pm there is fish feeding.  

The kids loved having the Spangled Emperor's swimming between their legs while I stood there with my mouth watering.

The water was a little too cold for some.

Caitlin and I spent hours paddling around checking out the reef.

After a few days in Coral Bay we headed a bit further up the track to Cape Range National Park.  I have read about the need to line up at the park's entrance to secure a spot.  We pulled up at the caravan park just outside the NP the afternoon before.  Jen drew the short straw and headed down to cue up at 5am, while I got the troops moving/fed/packed.  

Lucky for us no-one else was mad enough to get down there quite so early.  That said she was only alone for about 15 minutes. 

It's not hard to figure out why this place is so popular.

One of the neighbours in our camp area was a Henna artist and offered to decorate the girls.

Something they've been keen on for a while.

It's a good thing that we don't have an itinerary.  When someone offers to take you fishing the day you're supposed to leave, plans change very quickly.  

Thanks to Bob I had a great day.  It's not often you can go fishing out the back of the reef in a 4 metre tinny. We got a few fish but the icing on the cake was getting to watch Humpback Whales breaching late in the afternoon.

After the fish were filleted everyone in the campsite comes together for sunset drinks and a yarn.

Not a bad way to see out a day.

More to come.....


  1. As per ususal Scott, pics are 'straight out of a travel brochure' quality - well done mate!

  2. Hi your email regarding cameras, thanks heaps

    Love Ningaloo mate, us local count the days til we're next back there..April 2013 for us :(

    Stunning pics...enjoy !!!

    Cheers Paul
