Sunday 23 September 2012

Karijini NP

Karijini National Park is another spot we can now tick off our ever growing list of places to visit.  We have been like salmon swimming against the tide on the trip so far, but going in a clockwise direction has been paying off.  We have always managed to get into the spots we want when we want.  

Our Campsite

Another magic day to go for a walk.

The first walk saw us heading down to Circular Pool in Dales Gorge.  The kids enjoyed the ladder.

Another beautiful reward at the end of the track.  The weather has warmed up substantially in the last few weeks and the cool pool looked inviting, but when we had a better look it was full of leaches.

Graffiti!  It amazes me the distances some people will travel to see these natural wonders, only to decide to leave their mark.  

Fortescue falls was the next spot we visited.  I would love to see it just after the wet.

The kids didn't need to much convincing to kick off their boots and wash the dust off.

Having a dip.

Later that afternoon we went out to Hancock Gorge.  I wanted to go and have a look after seeing some great photos of this area.  We were all excited to do this walk which was rated as class 5 - Class 4 was the best we had done so far.

 The walk in involved wading and climbing to get to the good bits. 

The afternoon light was kind to me, giving the water a nice golden glow.

 The girls were interested to see what was further down the gorge so they tried the "spider walk".  This meant we had to straddle the water in the pic above and shuffle along to the other end.

Another team photo. 

This is as far as you can go in Hancock Gorge - unless you have a guide with climbing gear to help you get back out.

Proof that the kids are doing their school work.  

More to come.....

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