Friday 6 July 2012

Territory goes off with a bang!

We had planned to leave Alice Springs a day or two before the 1st of July, but after chatting with the locals we decided to hang around to see what this Territory day business is all about.  It helped when I found out fireworks were legal to purchase and use on this one day of the year! Talk about a kid in a candy store - my first fireworks shopping experience was AWESOME.  The variety and availability of these little bundles of fun is astounding, there was a vendor on just about every street in Alice.  After careful consideration the kids and i walked out with a big box of fun and a very nervous Mum in tow.  One quick stop on the way back to the van park to grab some hearing protection for the kids and we were away!

The Macdonnell Range caravan park had set up a bonfire in a spare block next to the park for everyone to come and try.

Now that's a fire!

Caitlin nervously trying her hand at throwing a little banger.

One of our crackers going off!

For obvious reasons this edition of the blog is a little light on pics.  We were having way too much fun to stop and take snaps.  I'm also happy to report the night was incident free, apart from my thumb which was covered in blisters from lighting fuses, and everyone had a ball! 

Definitely a night to remember.

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