Sunday 29 July 2012

Precious little gifts!

I mentioned at the start of this blog that our original plans were to head north west first and then head south to Perth as the weather warmed up.

The reason for our anti-clockwise direction on the half lap was upon us before we knew it.  Jen and I jumped on a plane from Adelaide to Brisbane for the christening of our oldest friend's three precious bubba's.   I was given the honour of being godfather to one of the triplets, their only son, Damon.  My biceps weren't feeling so lucky after holding the big boy for the beautiful hour long ceremony! ;-)

The Greek orthodox church in Brisbane is an impressive house of worship - no matter what your faith is.  The artwork is amazing!

The christenting happens in the order of which the babies were born.  The girls, Zoe and Ruby were first.

Then it was the big boys turn.

Mum and Dad bookend the God Parents.

One of the best things about any Greek celebration is the food!

Everything in triplicate - even the cakes!

This little one is going to be trouble - Ruby "the party girl" had energy to burn at the end of the day without taking a nap.

Jen and I with Damon.

More to come.....

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